About SAG-AFTRA elections

Gy MiranoThis year the voting process is even more complex  for SAG-AFTRA members. This being the first election after the merger,  we have candidates running from both legacy unions. That means more candidates, more choices, and more work for the informed voter. For SAG Legacy members, the long list of Convention Delegates is completely a new item, it was included from the AFTRA Legacy. As voters, we need to do our due diligence and learn about the candidates, what they have done for their constituents, and what they stand for. Make sure they want to serve out of love and a passion to help. There is no financial compensation for these positions, so the motivation should be love. Ego and power struggles get on the way of positive action. Attacks and misinformation have a negative impact on the election, it confuses members even more, and it turns them off.  Stay focused: this process is not about politics, it’s about our jobs and our financial future.  The issue is who will represent our best interests, and how they will go about it.  Even though I’m candidate, I’m also a voter. As a voter, I will make an informed choice, and will also be guided by feeling.  Who do I connect with? Whose approach do I like?  Who is open and dynamic? It’s great there are two slates, and two candidates for New York President. That is democracy at work.

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